Articles Brands Mobile

Brands’ Greatest Mobile Challenges

It’s always interesting to hear what brands perceptions are about a certain trend or new technology or method in web design. In this case: MOBILE.

An article today on Digiday show’s how some of the top brands in the country are thinking about mobile. I’ve personally uttered some of the same comments that these CMO’s and CEO’s are saying here so it’s nice to hear that some of the  conversation is making it’s way up the ranks.

Since I currently do not work at a “brand” but instead for an agency that handles many brands I would like to add my two cents. I think the greatest mobile challenge for brands is finding people, either in house or at an agency, that truly get mobile and have the brands best interest at heart. It’s been a struggle to get older traditional creatives and account people to think mobile first, which is the proper way to think about mobile if you’re going to venture into it.

Brands’ Greatest Mobile Challenges | Digiday.